
    Contact us

    Finding us

    The best way to find us is by clicking here on our What 3 Words address.


    If coming from Taunton: On the A38 between Taunton and Wellington, take the right hand turning after Rumwell farm shop (on your right) and before Sheppy’s cider farm (on your left) signposted to ‘Bradford on tone.’ (Go to point B below)

    If coming from Wellington: On the A38 between Wellington and Taunton, continue past The World’s End pub (on your right) and take the left hand turning after Sheppy’s cider farm. This will be the 2nd left hand turning signposted to ‘Bradford on tone.’ (Go to point B below)

    B: Follow the road as it S bends, then take the first right hand turning signposted to ‘Allerford’ & ‘Hele.’

    About 100 meters along that road you’ll see a sign for ‘Waterside Country Barn’ & ‘Mill House equestrian centre’ on your left. Turn down this driveway, the driveway will lead to a car park, turn right through the car park and follow the track to the right, which is signposted ‘Parking’. You’ll pass the riding arena (which will be on your left down a slope). Park in here and take the footbridge to arrive at the venue.

    Using the postcode with sat nav will only get you to the s bend (see above).

    More information, including local taxi companies can be found here.